Sanskrit: Biggest misconceptions and overcoming them

Harshil Mehta
3 min readMar 6, 2019


Misconception 1:- Sanskrit can be written only in Devanagari Lipi.

Generally, people take this argument to prove that Sanskrit North Indian language. But this is mere misconception.

  • Modern Devanagari Lipi was invented around 10th century. While the Sanskrit literature are quite old.
  • Sanskrit was written in Brahmi, Kharosthi, Pushkarasari, Sharda, Siddham and others lipis previously. Devanagari is evolved from Brahmi.
  • This image shows the Gayatri Mantra written in the Sharda Lipi.
    (Pic:- Twitter)

(Translation:- We meditate on the effulgent glory of the divine Light; may he inspire our understanding.)

One thing has to be noted, Devanagari is just one Lipi in which Sanskrit is written.

Misconception 2:- Sanskrit was language of Brahmins and Upper class.

The people who have this misconception are generally tend to think Sanskrit as foreign language by associating it with Aryan Migration Theory. Already, It has been proven false many times. So, there is no need to mention it.

Generally, people think that sanskrit is associated especially with Brahmins. There are enough evidences to prove that Sanskrit was not only associated with Brahmins.

  • Author of Ramayana — Valmiki and Author of Mahabharata — Veda Vyasa were not Brahmin by birth. These are two most epic of the Hindu (or say Indian) civilisation.
  • Kālidāsathe person whose Sanskrit works are uncomparable was not Brahmin. He belonged to shepherd community by birth.
  • In Buddhism, The Sarvāstivādin Piṭakas and many Mahāyāna sūtrassuch as the Prajñāpāramitā sūtra were originally written in Sanskrit. Buddhist thinkers such as Nāgārjuna, Āryadeva, Asaṅga, Vasubandhu, Dignāga also wrote their works in Sanskrit. There are many Buddhist literature apart from it.
  • In Jainism, The Tattvartha Sutra, Yogashastra etc. and many Stotras including Bhaktamar Stotra, Bruhad-Laghu Shanti Stotra etc. are written in Sanskrit.
  • Even, materialistic and aesthetical philosophy Charvakism is in Sanskrit.

Jain Script written in Devanagari Sanskrit. (Pic:- Wikimedia)

Misconception 3:- Sanskrit has only religious scripts; hence it is religious language.

Sanskrit has approximate 5% literature has religious scripts, others are waiting for us and kept in library. Currently, Sanskrit has 4.5 million manuscripts.

  • Ayurveda and Yoga — two soft powers of India have most of literature in Sanskrit.
  • The works of Aryabhatta to Varahmihir which means invention of zero to infinity of maths are in Sanskrit.
  • Dramatic scripts and expressions are famous in Sanskrit. Dramas of Kalidas, Vishakhadatta, Bharvi, Bhavbhuti, Shudrak etc. are in Sanskrit.
  • If one should explore several Sanskrit books like Surya Siddhanta (Astronomy/Maths), Rasashastra (Chemistry), Krishi Parashara (Agriculture), Sushruta Samhita (Surgery), Charak Samhita (Medicine) etc. to know about ancient Indian knowledge.

Sanskrit is much more than we are being informed.

Pythagorean theorem from Sulba Sutra. (Pic:- Jnana)

Misconception 4:- Sanskrit is just dead language and was only literary language.

Before 2–3 years, I got a chance to meet Guru of my cousin who recently performed her Arangetram. I asked how old the sanskrit songs which you play. He replied, “May be 20 or 30 years old. New Songs are constantly being added into this.”

  • Sanskrit is still used as medium in Natya Shastra and Kavya Shastra. People who declare it as dead language are ignorant.
  • Sanskrit is living language when we chant mantras to perform prayers.
  • Sanskrit is living through her daughters and niece like Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Kannada, Bangla etc. Sanskrit is link between Indian languages.
  • And even if it is dead language then it doesn’t mean it can’t be revived. Israelis revived Hebrew language from worse condition than Sanskrit.

Some claim Sanskrit was never spoken. They should learn Vyakarana (Grammar) in which language is being taught by Sanskrit.

If other language than Sanskrit was spoken in ancient times then Grammar must be in that language. (Like, English is literary language and it’s grammar is available in Gujarati.) It is true that after 5th century BC, Prakrit and Pali started developing.



Harshil Mehta
Harshil Mehta

Written by Harshil Mehta

Observing the world and India. Into markets, photography, books, and living life. Some days, I write for Firstpost, News18, or Swarajya.

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